Published on September 22nd, 2015
0Phonology and Fun-ology Website: Free Assessment Tools, Tutorials and Activities
Feature image caption: Phonology can be fun with a theatrical perspective, if you use the right assessment and intervention tools and activities. (L-R: Joe Stemberger, May Bernhardt, Daniel Bérubé)
By Barbara May Bernhardt, PhD, S-LP(C), Professor, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, University of British Columbia; Joseph P. Stemberger, PhD, Professor, Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia; Daniel Bérubé, PhD, S-LP(C), Assistant Professor, Faculty of Education, Université de Saint-Boniface
Translation assistance provided by Anne Bertrand, PhD student, Department of Linguistics, University of British Columbia
In our multilinguistic society, we often are called on to provide services to people whose first language is not English or French, though it may be difficult to find materials to support these services. We are pleased to share with you our Crosslinguistic Project Phonological/Fun-ological website, as one source for free phonology materials!
The site includes FREE ready-to-use materials and tutorials on phonological assessment and analysis for over a dozen languages, including:
- word lists and picture files for speech elicitation (under continuous update)
- scan analysis forms based on nonlinear phonology for goal-setting in therapy
- online tutorials on how to use the nonlinear scan analysis forms in English and French
- sample analyses for English, French and Spanish
AND the fun-ology continues with:
- “fun”-ological therapy activity examples in English, Spanish, Slovene, and French
- secret bonus footage to enhance your website search skills and ‘reward’ you fun-ologically
Click on this video to view an activity (and many others) on word structure.
Since 2006, an international crosslinguistic study of phonological development has been underway, including 12 languages in 13 countries: Romance languages (Canadian French; Granada, Chilean and Mexican Spanish; European Portuguese); Germanic languages (Canadian English, German, Icelandic, Swedish); Semitic (Kuwaiti Arabic); Asian languages (Mandarin, Japanese); and South Slavic (Slovene, Bulgarian). In addition, assessment tools have been created for four other languages or dialects: Brazilian Portuguese, Ojibwe (First Nations language, Canada), Punjabi and Tagalog.
This study extends work on English phonological development by B. May Bernhardt and Joseph P. Stemberger of the University of British Columbia. Nonlinear phonology provides a framework for the study and focuses on children’s strengths and needs across the phonological hierarchy, from the phrase, through feet, syllables and timing units (Cs, Vs) to segments and phonological features. Children appear to be subject to similar speech production constraints across languages. Differences in phonological inventories and relative frequencies of structures and phonemes provide diverse solutions to these constraints.
Click on this video to view an introduction to the set of English tutorials for the use of non-linear phonology and the analysis of speech.
You are most welcome to use and distribute the website materials with acknowledgment of the various authors according to the following license: Phonological analysis by Barbara May Bernhardt is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Note: If you have any difficulty seeing the pictures in PDF files on the website, try a different browser and make sure your Flash Player is up-to-date. Alternatively, click the download button, save the PDF file and then open it on your computer.
Thank you and enjoy!
Try a whimsical approach to therapy! (L-R: May Bernhardt, Joe Stemberger, Daniel Bérubé)
Selected references (more on website under “Phonology”):
Bernhardt, B.M., Hanson, R., Perez, D., Ávila, C., Lleó, C., Stemberger, J.P., Carballo, G., Mendoza, E., Fresneda, D. & Chávez-Peón, M. (2015). Word structures of Granada Spanish-speaking preschoolers with typical versus protracted phonological development. Intl. Jnl. of Lang. & Communication Disorders, 50(3), 298-311. DOI: 10.1111/1460-6984.12133.
Bernhardt, B.M., Másdóttir, T., Stemberger, J.P., Leonhardt, L., & Hansson, G.O. (2015). Early online, May 18: 1-24. Fricative development in Icelandic and English-speaking children with protracted phonological development. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.
Bernhardt, B.M., & Zhao, J. (2010). Nonlinear phonological analysis in assessment of protracted phonological development in Mandarin. CJSLPA, 34, 168-180.
Bérubé, D., Bernhardt, B. M., & Stemberger. (2015). A test of Canadian French phonology: Construction and use. CJSLPA, 39(1), 61-100.
Bérubé, D., Bernhardt, B.M. & Stemberger, J.P. (2013). Un test de phonologie du français : Construction et utilisation. [Phonological assessment of Canadian French.] CJSLPA,37(1), 26-40.
Chávez-Péon, M., Bernhardt, B.M., Adler-Bock, M., Ávila, C., Carballo, G., Fresneda, D., Lleó, C., Mendoza, E., Perez, D. & Stemberger, J.P. (2012). A Spanish pilot investigation for a crosslinguistic study in protracted phonological development. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics, 26(3), 255-272.
Mason, G.K., Bérubé, D., Bernhardt, B. M. & Stemberger, J. P. (2015). Early on-line June 2: 1-20. Evaluation of multisyllabic word production in Canadian English- and French-speaking children within a nonlinear phonological framework. Clinical Linguistics and Phonetics.