Tribute to Margaret Chown Morse
Margaret Morse, O.M., died peacefully on April 19, 2021. Margaret was born in Winnipeg on August 28, 1925. Margaret was a pioneer in the speech-language pathology community in Canada.
Margaret was a distinguished member of a distinguished family. She received a Bachelor’s degree from the University of Manitoba and completed a Master’s program in Speech Pathology at Kent State, returning to Winnipeg to become the first speech language pathologist in the province. Margaret was at the forefront of speech-language healthcare for more than 70 years, establishing numerous hospital clinics and working tirelessly to establish a Department of Communicative Services and Disorders at the University of Manitoba until the time of her death.
Margaret was an iconic member of All Saint’s Church, teaching Sunday school, serving in various leadership roles and fundraising for both the Church and St. John’s College. She had a passion for community service including Board roles with the St. Boniface Research Foundation, the Victoria Hospital Foundation, the R.H. Institute, the Women’s Musical Club, and the Manitoba Historical Society. In 1958, Margaret joined the Women’s Committee of the Winnipeg Art Gallery (WAG) and played a lead role in fundraising for art acquisition and other purposes. She remained a staunch supporter of the WAG until her death. In 2017, at the age of 92, Margaret established an endowment through the Winnipeg Foundation, in memory of her father, Dr. Gordon Chown, to support medical students, particularly those of indigenous backgrounds. She had established the Margaret Chown Fund previously to support various community causes. In 2020 Margaret was awarded the Order of Manitoba in recognition of her contribution to her profession and Manitoba society. In 2021, she was chosen to receive the Manitoba 150 Women Trailblazer award, further recognizing her contribution to Manitoba.
Margaret inspired and supported many. She gave to her family, friends and community continuously and, when faced with challenge, stated simply; « This too shall pass ».
Donations in memory of Margaret may be made to the Winnipeg Foundation, Margaret Chown Fund.