Audiology Theses_Feature-Image_2016-17_EN

Published on December 1st, 2017


Canadian Speech-Language Pathology and Audiology Program Graduate Theses 2016-2017

We are pleased to acknowledge the following graduate theses (master’s and doctoral), which were completed in the 2016–2017 academic year.

Note: McMaster University’s School of Rehabilitation Science did not have any thesis students graduate in the 2016-2017 academic year. Master’s students at the University of Ottawa contribute to research by completing other types of projects and there were no graduate in the doctoral program this year.The University of Montreal and the University of British Columbia did not provide SAC with its graduate theses this year.

Please note: Theses titles are listed in the language in which they were written.

Name of Student
Graduate Level
University of Alberta
Department of Communication Sciences & Disorders
S-LP Program
Rebecca Cooper S-LP M.Sc. Cartoons and Comprehension: The effect of visual context on children’s sentence processing
Alison Harding S-LP M.Sc. Speech and Hearing Professionals’ Perspectives on Providing Aural Rehabilitation Services to Adults with Hearing Loss in Alberta
Jenelle MacDonald S-LP M.Sc. Linguistic and Social Experience During an Online Mentoring Program for Young Adults Who Use Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) Devices
Genevieve Roberts S-LP M.Sc. Determining functional outcome criteria in wait list assessment in head and neck cancer
Andrea Tam S-LP M.Sc. Neuromuscular Control of Vocal Loudness in Adults as a Function Cue
Salima Suleman S-LP PhD-RS Decision-Making and Aphasia
Name of Student
Graduate Level
Dalhousie University
School of Human Communication Disorders
S-LP and Audiology Programs
Janine Fitzpatrick S-LP M.Sc. Verbal Working Memory and Discourse Comprehension in Older Adults
Emily McGuire S-LP M.Sc. Violating the Phonotactic Properties of American Sign Language to Create Illegal Pseudosigns
Name of Student
Graduate Level
Laurentian University
Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Program
Alexandra Albert S-LP Master’s Cognitive and Navigational Skills of Individuals who have Complex Communication Needs: A Preliminary Study
Dakota Beaulieu S-LP. Master’s La performance typique des étudiants universitaires franco-ontariens quant aux compétences orthographiques grammaticales
Sarah Blakely S-LP Master’s How Attention Skills Impact Navigational Skills of Young Children: Taxonomic versus Schematic Organization
Anie Coutu S-LP Master’s Offre active des services de soins auxiliaires en français dans les communautés francophones en situation minoritaire du Nord-Est de l’Ontario : une validation d’outil d’enquête
Dominique David S-LP Master’s Information Processing, Working Memory and Executive Functioning in School-aged Children Born Prematurely
Danielle Huot S-LP Master’s The Impact of Text Difficulty and Reading Speed on First and Second Grade Students’ Discourse Comprehension During Read-Alouds
Danelle Lafortune S-LP Master’s Habiletés langagières d’enfants nés prématurés venant d’une communauté francophone en situation minoritaire
Josée Mainguy S-LP Master’s Accessibilité et offre active des services auxiliaires de santé en français en situation minoritaire dans le Nord-Est de l’Ontario
Angel Mathieu S-LP Master’s Habiletés narratives d’enfants nord-ontariens nés prématurés
Shawna Sterner S-LP Master’s How Cognitive Flexibility and Reasoning Impact Navigational Skills: Taxonomic versus Schematic Organization
Name of
Graduate Level
Laval University
Speech-Language Pathology Master’s Program
Marie-Pier Tremblay (codirection) Doctorat en psychologie PhD Le rôle de la mémoire sémantique dans la reconnaissance des émotions
Anne Lafay Doctorat en Sciences cliniques et biomédicales PhD Déficits cognitifs numériques impliqués dans la dyscalculie développementale
Mathieu Hotton Doctorat en médecine expérimentale  PhD Comparaison de trois technologies de suppléance auditive s’adressant à des personnes présentant une surdité sévère à profonde en hautes fréquences
Name of Student
Graduate Level
McGill University
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
S-LP Program
Marla Folden S-LP Master’s Down Syndrome and Childhood Apraxia of Speech: Matching a unique psycholinguistic profile to an effective treatment program
Marianne Paul S-LP PhD Can a Short Parent Questonnaire Be Helpful for Correctly Identifying Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment?
Ana Maria Gonzalez Barrero S-LP PhD The Linguistic and Cognitive Effects of Bilingualism on Children
Janet Bang S-LP PhD The Role of Intention in Reading Referential Gaze: Implicaitons for learning in typical development and in Autism Spectrum Disorder
Name of Student
Graduate Level
University of Toronto
Department of Speech-Language Pathology
S-LP Program
Teenu Sanjeevan S-LP Master Characterizing the Motor Deficits in Children with Specific Language Impairment
Ashwini Namasivayam S-LP PhD Malnutrition, Dysphagia and Tongue Strength in Long-Term Care
Name of Student
Graduate Level
University of Quebec in Trois-Rivières
Speech-Language Pathology Department
S-LP Program
Noémie Allard S-LP Master’s Les habiletés morphosyntaxiques des enfants franco-québécois âgés de 3 ans
Alexa Bellerive S-LP Master’s Mise à l’essai d’un programme de formation axé sur la communication destiné aux proches aidants de personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer au stade léger à modéré
Marjolaine Bélisle S-LP Master’s Une approche pour favoriser la stimulabilité des sons non stimulables : étude de cas
Claudia Boissonneault S-LP Master’s La collaboration orthophoniste-orthodontiste dans le traitement des troubles orofaciaux myofonctionnels : un examen de la portée
Stéphanie De Serres S-LP Master’s L’indice de complexité phonologique non linéaire
Marie-Laurence Dubé S-LP Master’s L’efficacité des thérapies intensives de groupe pour les adolescents qui bégaient : une revue rapide de la littérature
Anne-Édith Dumais-Buist S-LP Master’s Normalisation de deux questionnaires sur la perception des difficultés de communication dans le vieillissement normal
Emmanuelle Frigon S-LP Master’s Adaptation d’un protocole d’investigation de la lecture à voix haute à l’aide de l’imagerie optique pour les enfants normo-lecteurs du primaire
Isabelle Gagnon S-LP Master’s Implantation d’un programme de lecture partagée enrichie en centre de la petite enfance autochtone en milieu urbain
Vaynah Jean S-LP Master’s Rôle du cortex insulaire dans le langage : étude exploratoire de patients présentant des épilepsies operculo-insulaires pharmaco-résistantes
Geneviève Lessard S-LP Master’s Évaluation d’un programme de formation par agent multiplicateur : observation de bénévoles dans une halte-garderie
Marie-Ève Londei S-LP Master’s Implantation d’un programme de lecture partagée enrichie en centre de la petite enfance autochtone en milieu urbain
Marie-Ève Lussier-Lecomte S-LP Master’s Adaptation d’un protocole d’investigation de la lecture à voix haute à l’aide de l’imagerie optique pour les enfants normo-lecteurs du primaire
Véronique McDuff S-LP Master’s Sondage sur les interventions utilisées par les orthophonistes québécois pour traiter les enfants ayant un trouble du développement des sons de la parole
Noémie Mercier S-LP Master’s La narration d’anecdotes personnelles chez les enfants franco-québécois unilingues âgés de trois ans
Gabriel Provost S-LP Master’s Qualité de vie des jeunes adultes atteints d’un cancer oropharyngé lié au VPH : résultats d’une étude exploratoire qualitative
Geneviève Renière S-LP Master’s Évaluation des changements induits par un programme d’entraînement à la lecture labiale chez des adultes qui présentent une déficience auditive
Jennifer Taylor S-LP Master’s Revue systématique sur les interventions visant l’amélioration de la communication et des relations interpersonnelles des adultes ayant un trouble du spectre de l’autisme (TSA)
Name of Student
Graduate Level
Western University 
School of Communication Sciences and Disorders
and Health and Rehabilitation Sciences Program
S-LP and Audiology Programs
Kendra Di Bacco Hearing Science M.Sc. The Self-Regulatory Behaviors of Elementary Students with Hearing Loss in Inclusive Classrooms
Emma Bridgwater Hearing Science M.Sc. It’s All About Context: Investigating the effects of consonant and vowel environment on vowel-evoked envelope following responses
Ashley Martindale Hearing Science M.Sc. Accessing Resources: The narratives of women working with a hearing loss
Rebekah (Allison) Taggart Hearing Science M.Sc. The Auditory brainstem response (ABR) and the Envelope Following Response (EFR): Investigating within-subject variation to stimulus polarity
Olivia Daub Speech and Language Science M.Sc. Predictors of Language Outcome for Children in the Ontario Infant Hearing Program
Carlee Wilson Speech and Language Science M.Sc. Variables contributing to Listener Effort in Speakers with Parkinson’s Disease
Lauren Siegel Speech and Language Science M.Sc. The Consequences of Oromandibular Dystonia on Communicative Participation: A qualitative study of the insider’s experiences
Kristen Trottier Speech and Language Science M.Sc. The Effects of Manual Tooth Brushing on Parotid and Submandibular/Sublingual Gland Salivary Flow Rates in Healthy Young and Older Adults
Sangamantha Ankmnal Veeranna Hearing Science PhD Physiological and Behavioral Evidence of Auditory Processing Deficit in Children Suspected of Auditory Processing Disorder
Margot Stothers Speech and Language Science PhD Semantic Integration in Adults with Nonverbal Learning Disabilities and Autism Spectrum Disorder: Influence of Word Knowledge and Gestalt Perception



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